sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

new tecnologies

   New technologies
Since its beginning, man has been concerned about replacing your needs, some more came to fill their whims and facilitated things, all this desire to move has led to the creation of new things to take with us to the point called the the Technology current age as I am concerned it is a big step forward has its advantages and disadvantages. in this work I have aimed to give a brief summary of the benefits that technology brings to modern society and make some inventions profundización until 20 years ago were becoming one of the films and the imagination In this test we will leave three main themes: scientific technology, entertainment technology and technology for quality of life.

Scientific technology This Technology focuses on helping treat diseases, for preparing the same few examples of this are: Ian Frazer is a well known researcher in the world of science. His achievement of Australian of the Year award, thanks to the development of a vaccine against cervical cancer that designed the concession cost him, and now going for more after announced the future development of a vaccine for skin cancer. The scientist has announced that the vaccine successfully passed their desires in animals, and will now be tested in humans for effectiveness. If all goes well in five or ten years we could have access to a vaccine for skin cancer regarding health is very interesting to see how technology every day helps us to heal and more particularly to create new methods of disease prevention eg. A team of researchers at Children's Hospital Boston has developed an injection of oxygen that can be introduced directly into the bloodstream to become oxygenated blood, paramedics have time to solve the problem. This solution belongs particulate different from blood substitutes that have no oxygen, but they have to be converted to oxygenated by the lungs. Particulates have a thin layer of lipids that contain a small bubble of oxygen getting into the blood via injection into a liquid. The injection may make the deoxygenated blood returns to have near normal levels of oxygen on the second.

Entertainment Technology This technology aims to bring us all fiction to reality, but with modern entertainment systems for humans this is a bit controversial because some say this is not going to get anything good and others say it is an opportunity to move and entertain to fill some doubts I give some examples of these are: In Ontario, Canada, a group of researchers from the University that has created a prototype smartphone with a flexible screen that lets you select the System Options doubling the operating screen itself. PaperPhone screen - as it has been christened consists of 9.5 cm of a film that forms a thin, flexible screen electronic red. A team of Carnegie Mellon University with Microsoft are the authors of a new technique that can convert human skin a touch screen from which to handle any type of electronics device.Llamado "Skinput", the system uses acoustic sensors capable of LF and sounds detected by means of a bracelet with a small projector is reflected on the skin a species detected.
With this technique you will be able to handle sound mobile equipment, phones or PDAs tapping the menu projected on the forearm or other body part. Metaflex Designed by British scientists at the University of St Andrews, is the name Metaflex material approaching the stage of U.S. inhabits the fabric manufacturers that will create the effect of invisibility of objects. The Metaflex is to publish material, or what is the same, an artificial material that presents unusual / sample electromagnetic properties, properties that feeds on the designed structure and not its compositionTecnología.
For the lifestyle of this technology was created with the aim of supplying human needs in general examples of this are: Inform us with people in vegetative state Dirigida by neuroscientist Adrian Owen, a team of researchers from the British University Cambridge has developed a system that allows communication with patients with severe brain injury, the sentence to which a called persistent vegetative state (PVS). Thanks to that, these people may even communicate with the world around them and that could potentially mobilize motorized wheelchairs and run by their own minds. Plasma knife wound closure Special Operations Command Pentagon is testing which will be a tool for surgeons new field plasma knife, whose similarities with swords used by the protagonists of the space adventures designed by George Lucas for the film are evident. However, this invention relates to serve medicine instead of cutting members indiscriminately, but its operation is similar.El goal is to reduce the number of victims who, once injured in a war, bleeds to death or not having adequate means to close the wound. To date, the most advanced technology in this field there was radiosurgery, which uses radiofrequency to heat the damaged tissue. The plasma knife tries to recover the oldest techniques taken to new technologies, in this case, to close the wound woven burned.

All these technologies have finished standing in this test are the progress in a few years will leave the market to provide a better quality of life with us and give us the opening to a new era in which technology will be the main character.

Since its beginning, man has been concerned about replacing your needs, some more came to fill their whims and facilitated things, all this desire to move has led to the creation of new things to take with us to the point called the the Technology current age as I am concerned it is a big step forward has its advantages and disadvantages. in this work I have aimed to give a brief summary of the benefits that technology brings to modern society and make some inventions profundización until 20 years ago were becoming one of the films and the imagination In this test we will leave three main themes: scientific technology, entertainment technology and technology for quality of life.
Scientific technology This Technology focuses on helping treat diseases, for preparing the same few examples of this are: Ian Frazer is a well known researcher in the world of science. His achievement of Australian of the Year award, thanks to the development of a vaccine against cervical cancer that designed the concession cost him, and now going for more after announced the future development of a vaccine for skin cancer. The scientist has announced that the vaccine successfully passed their desires in animals, and will now be tested in humans for effectiveness. If all goes well in five or ten years we could have access to a vaccine for skin cancer regarding health is very interesting to see how technology every day helps us to heal and more particularly to create new methods of disease prevention eg. A team of researchers at Children's Hospital Boston has developed an injection of oxygen that can be introduced directly into the bloodstream to become oxygenated blood, paramedics have time to solve the problem. This solution belongs particulate different from blood substitutes that have no oxygen, but they have to be converted to oxygenated by the lungs. Particulates have a thin layer of lipids that contain a small bubble of oxygen getting into the blood via injection into a liquid. The injection may make the deoxygenated blood returns to have near normal levels of oxygen on the second.

Entertainment Technology This technology aims to bring us all fiction to reality, but with modern entertainment systems for humans this is a bit controversial because some say this is not going to get anything good and others say it is an opportunity to move and entertain to fill some doubts I give some examples of these are: In Ontario, Canada, a group of researchers from the University that has created a prototype smartphone with a flexible screen that lets you select the System Options doubling the operating screen itself. PaperPhone screen - as it has been christened consists of 9.5 cm of a film that forms a thin, flexible screen electronic red. A team of Carnegie Mellon University with Microsoft are the authors of a new technique that can convert human skin a touch screen from which to handle any type of electronics device.Llamado "Skinput", the system uses acoustic sensors capable of LF and sounds detected by means of a bracelet with a small projector is reflected on the skin a species detected.
With this technique you will be able to handle sound mobile equipment, phones or PDAs tapping the menu projected on the forearm or other body part. Metaflex Designed by British scientists at the University of St Andrews, is the name Metaflex material approaching the stage of U.S. inhabits the fabric manufacturers that will create the effect of invisibility of objects. The Metaflex is to publish material, or what is the same, an artificial material that presents unusual / sample electromagnetic properties, properties that feeds on the designed structure and not its compositionTecnología.
For the lifestyle of this technology was created with the aim of supplying human needs in general examples of this are: Inform us with people in vegetative state Dirigid by neuroscientist Adrian Owen, a team of researchers from the British University Cambridge has developed a system that allows communication with patients with severe brain injury, the sentence to which a called persistent vegetative state (PVS). Thanks to that, these people may even communicate with the world around them and that could potentially mobilize motorized wheelchairs and run by their own minds. Plasma knife wound closure Special Operations Command Pentagon is testing which will be a tool for surgeons new field plasma knife, whose similarities with swords used by the protagonists of the space adventures designed by George Lucas for the film are evident. However, this invention relates to serve medicine instead of cutting members indiscriminately, but its operation is similar.El goal is to reduce the number of victims who, once injured in a war, bleeds to death or not having adequate means to close the wound. To date, the most advanced technology in this field there was radiosurgery, which uses radiofrequency to heat the damaged tissue. The plasma knife tries to recover the oldest techniques taken to new technologies, in this case, to close the wound woven burned.

All these technologies have finished standing in this test are the progress in a few years will leave the market to provide a better quality of life with us and give us the opening to a new era in which technology will be the main character.

Since its beginning, man has been concerned about replacing your needs, some more came to fill their whims and facilitated things, all this desire to move has led to the creation of new things to take with us to the point called the the Technology current age as I am concerned it is a big step forward has its advantages and disadvantages. in this work I have aimed to give a brief summary of the benefits that technology brings to modern society and make some inventions profundización until 20 years ago were becoming one of the films and the imagination In this test we will leave three main themes: scientific technology, entertainment technology and technology for quality of life.
Scientific technology This Technology focuses on helping treat diseases, for preparing the same few examples of this are: Ian Frazer is a well known researcher in the world of science. His achievement of Australian of the Year award, thanks to the development of a vaccine against cervical cancer that designed the concession cost him, and now going for more after announced the future development of a vaccine for skin cancer. The scientist has announced that the vaccine successfully passed their desires in animals, and will now be tested in humans for effectiveness. If all goes well in five or ten years we could have access to a vaccine for skin cancer regarding health is very interesting to see how technology every day helps us to heal and more particularly to create new methods of disease prevention eg. A team of researchers at Children's Hospital Boston has developed an injection of oxygen that can be introduced directly into the bloodstream to become oxygenated blood, paramedics have time to solve the problem. This solution belongs particulate different from blood substitutes that have no oxygen, but they have to be converted to oxygenated by the lungs. Particulates have a thin layer of lipids that contain a small bubble of oxygen getting into the blood via injection into a liquid. The injection may make the deoxygenated blood returns to have near normal levels of oxygen on the second.

Entertainment Technology This technology aims to bring us all fiction to reality, but with modern entertainment systems for humans this is a bit controversial because some say this is not going to get anything good and others say it is an opportunity to move and entertain to fill some doubts I give some examples of these are: In Ontario, Canada, a group of researchers from the University that has created a prototype smartphone with a flexible screen that lets you select the System Options doubling the operating screen itself. PaperPhone screen - as it has been christened consists of 9.5 cm of a film that forms a thin, flexible screen electronic red. A team of Carnegie Mellon University with Microsoft are the authors of a new technique that can convert human skin a touch screen from which to handle any type of electronics device.Llamado "Skinput", the system uses acoustic sensors capable of LF and sounds detected by means of a bracelet with a small projector is reflected on the skin a species detected.
With this technique you will be able to handle sound mobile equipment, phones or PDAs tapping the menu projected on the forearm or other body part. Metaflex Designed by British scientists at the University of St Andrews, is the name Metaflex material approaching the stage of U.S. inhabits the fabric manufacturers that will create the effect of invisibility of objects. The Metaflex is to publish material, or what is the same, an artificial material that presents unusual / sample electromagnetic properties, properties that feeds on the designed structure and not its compositionTecnología.
For the lifestyle of this technology was created with the aim of supplying human needs in general examples of this are: Inform us with people in vegetative state Dirigida by neuroscientist Adrian Owen, a team of researchers from the British University Cambridge has developed a system that allows communication with patients with severe brain injury, the sentence to which a called persistent vegetative state (PVS). Thanks to that, these people may even communicate with the world around them and that could potentially mobilize motorized wheelchairs and run by their own minds. Plasma knife wound closure Special Operations Command Pentagon is testing which will be a tool for surgeons new field plasma knife, whose similarities with swords used by the protagonists of the space adventures designed by George Lucas for the film are evident. However, this invention relates to serve medicine instead of cutting members indiscriminately, but its operation is similar.El goal is to reduce the number of victims who, once injured in a war, bleeds to death or not having adequate means to close the wound. To date, the most advanced technology in this field there was radiosurgery, which uses radiofrequency to heat the damaged tissue. The plasma knife tries to recover the oldest techniques taken to new technologies, in this case, to close the wound woven burned.

All these technologies have finished standing in this test are the progress in a few years will leave the market to provide a better quality of life with us and give us the opening to a new era in which technology will be the main character.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


                      I have a posgrado in veterinary medicine have studies of                                    computer science and languages between these English,  French and mandarin, be employed recently at the foundation in opposition to the animal mistreatment and I am beginning studies of zootecnia and medicate veterinary.In addition I aspire in creating a foundation in opposition to the animal mistreatment and for processes of adoption

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

The importance of the communication. 
The importance of the communication is that without her many problems in the company not podrian to resolve. The communication is an easy medio, which we we all have and which we must use to go out of our problems or of any problem that us one presents. Since we might think a world without communication? A daily example: since podriamos not to speak with our friends to tell them anything? Seriamos not sociable beings that it is the opposite of the human being,

Without the communication not only generarian social problems if not also economic and political since not habria way of interaction with the demas countries and places about the world. For this one and many masrazones the communication is basic for the subcistencia of the being in general.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

result test of mafe

The results of the test indicated that mafe like to study administration of companies and hoteleria and tourism and with these studies a to create  chain of hotels 5 stars also him like to travel to places francia to know as his culture and there to turn a professional ballerina though also it wants a stable family with two children

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

the past was better?

the past was better?

to analyze the response to this we must delve into the good and bad things from the past and compare them to this empesdaremos talking about the past, saying that security in these times was very good or perhaps they are not many such evil were young also responsible people Allaban sacred values ​​and morals even in this age of technology also missed much and had a lot of gender discrimination and race for example "belonged to the working men and women at home" and there was good communication between cities so that was larger distance between them

Now we come to this which also has been both good and bad qualities first analyze their free expression, the advance of technology which helps us in our work, studies etc ... but instead of the past now there are many evil and that the current security is not enough, people have been forgetting their values ​​and principles such as tolerance, solidarity, etc ... and also the pollution is very large due to industries and carelessness of people. now you respond is what tiempoes the best?

jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

special day

I remembered a very special day, the day that i went with my colleagues and friends to the club compensarprimero we stayed in the swimming pool and my friend juli almost drowns, then we went to play on the tennis court but we broke a racquet and finally play the shark in the playground and the day is very special as it makes me remind the friends of my previous college

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

My perfect day 
1. To get dark opposite to the sea. 
2. Touch of piano 
3. I coordinate 
4. To prove ramen 
5. The family receives dango 
6. To see encourages 
7. Chocolate eats very much 
8. Bonfire under the moon 
9. Gone to cinema 
10. It sups on in the Eiffel Tower 
11. Breakfast of wafles. 

in my perfect day I get up and there was a plate of wafles in my table, have breakfast enlist me and before comes the hour of going out touch awhile the piano, then I was awhile in the concert of evanessece, there I ate very much chocolate since they were giving it. When I went out of that wonderful concert I went to the cinema to see a movie on the sea and decided to go away to knowing it on having come met a beautiful late afternoon, I have I did a bonfire in the moment in which salio the moon, I warmed up a delicious ramen it was the first one you see that this Japanese saucer was having lunch and travel. To you give birth there have dinner in the top of the Eiffel Tower and I come near a box with the family dango I returned to my house place my family dango in a stand and I went to bed to sleeping.